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My work with clients centres on organisation, collaboration and producing utility. It includes enabling effective learning, innovation and desired outcomes. My clients’ opportunities and challenges are nonetheless contextual and varied, and the same is true for my services.

The clients I work with appreciate my experience and multidisciplinary knowledge because it enables me to explore, understand and address situations from multiple angles. Some of the typical services I provide are listed below.

Organisational coaching and development

My organisational coaching and development service help managers repeatedly identify and develop effective strategies, principles, and practices for their specific context.

Society and markets change over time, resulting in the formation of new attitudes and demands, technological advancements, and evolving opportunities. My organisational coaching help companies adapt to these changes by developing and adjusting their organisational strategies, principles, and practices to meet the evolving circumstances and deal with any tension caused by adopting new practices.

Clients have found my organisational coaching useful in several typical situations, including:

  • When managers, leaders, or teams experience inconsistencies in their work, such as when repeated actions generate different results or previously successful methods fail to produce the same outcome.
  • When a company has experienced business model success and is undergoing significant growth.
  • When managers acknowledge a change in circumstances and a need to evolve the organisation, but they are uncertain about its potential.
  • When an organisation requires guidance in adopting emergent or common practices, such as Conways’s Law, team topologies, product-led organisation, or product discovery, among others.
  • When a company’s business model or strategy is ineffective, and transformation, pivot, or consolidation is necessary.

Leadership coaching and mentoring

The leadership coaching and mentoring I provide help managers and leaders develop effective abilities that consistently demonstrate appreciated and appropriate leadership qualities.

Without movement or direction travelled, there’s no leadership. My coaching provides guidance on identifying and creating contextual conditions that enable momentum and agency for teams and individuals. It guides leaders to explore and practice the nuances and specifics of leadership.

Typical roles that have benefited from my leadership coaching and mentoring:

  • Executives
  • VPs, directors and senior managers
  • Engineering and product managers
  • Agile coaches
  • Tech and team leads
  • Informal leaders

Assessment and studies

The assessments and studies I provide give leaders, managers, individual contributors, and teams insight into the contextual conditions they face. By visualising the current state of operations, these assessments highlight notable factors that hold things in place.

My studies generally reveal tendencies, opportunities, relationships, and the ability to act within the studied system. This provides clients with necessary information, knowledge, and options when making decisions.

Typical activities I’ve done that clients find valuable include:

  • An assessment of current team and organisational performance that provided insights and options on how to improve performance and business outcomes.
  • An ethnographic study that gave data and insights on key factors contributing to the status quo among teams. Including the contribution of organisational conditions and abilities.
  • Exploration and guidance of available options concerning product or organisational development during strategic or operational interventions.

Complex facilitation

I use complex facilitation to guide decision-making. It includes a set of principles and methods that help people ‘make sense of’ and ‘respond to’ their context-specific opportunities and challenges.

Complex facilitation is typically useful when leaders and managers are unable to predict outcomes with certainty due to a large number of factors affecting circumstances, ambiguity, and room for interpretation.

Other signs that indicate complex facilitation is valuable include experienced employees who disagree on how to respond, a lack of consistency, and unintended consequences.

Just in time coaching

My clients ask for just-in-time coaching when individuals or teams face opportunities, challenges and unfamiliar obstacles.

I provide real-time support and guidance to help leaders, managers, and teams navigate these challenges, identify available options, and make appropriate decisions. It involves observing teams and situations in action and sharing insights gained, and providing feedback.

Typical situations where my clients have found just-in-time coaching useful include:

  • Unfamiliar, complex or ambiguous situations
  • Team ceremonies, agile, or other
  • Kick-offs or bootstraps
  • Workshops
  • Incidents

Agile coaching and mentoring

My agile coaching and mentoring help organisations and teams adopt and improve their use of agile principles and practices. My coaching emphasises adaptability, collaboration and continuous improvement.

I give teams and organisations guidance on becoming high-performing and improving business outcomes with agile methodologies. I typically also coach and mentor individuals, e.g. agile coaches, engineering managers, team leads, product managers and senior managers.

My guidance is contextual and fulfils my clients’ specific needs and prior experience with agile principles and practices. It typically involves a combination of, just-in-time coaching, training, workshops, assessments, leadership coaching and mentoring.

Interim manager or leader

When a key leader or manager unexpectedly leaves or takes parental leave, organisations ask for my guidance in an interim or temporary position, to prevent disruption.

They’ve asked me to maintain or improve momentum during periods of transition, growth or change. I’ve also provided interim support during assessment of needs and exploration of improvement areas.

Typical roles clients have appreciated me for, in the interim include:

  • Director of product or engineering
  • Engineering manager
  • Product manager
  • Product coach
  • Agile coach


My workshops are interactive sessions that typically involve a group of participants interacting together to frame and explore problems, share knowledge, gain insight or learn new skills.

The workshops I provide engage participants, use their experiences, introduce knowledge, enable productivity and achieve predefined objectives.

Clients have found several of my typical workshops useful, including:

  • Increasing strategic awareness
  • Mapping and visualising factors that influence current conditions
  • Constraints mapping
  • Sense-making complex situations
  • Conducting design sprints
  • Team formations, kick-offs or self-organisation
  • Designing working agreements

Lectures, trainings and public speaking

My lectures, trainings and public speaking are typically useful when leaders or managers have identified specific knowledge gaps their organisation or teams need to fill. They are also useful for broadening participants’ perspectives and increasing their expertise.

Clients have appreciated my lectures, trainings and talks in these typical areas:

  • Leadership
  • Product management and discovery principles and practices
  • Agile principles and practices
  • Neuroscience and cognitive load
  • Complex adaptive systems and complex facilitation
  • Team dynamics and performance
  • Feedback, communication and organisational culture